Queen Bee: Chapter 12

After giving birth to Amaya, Beatrice wanted to workout. I had her run on the treadmill.

While Akira played with Aria.

And gave her a bath.

Aria then went to work on her communication skill by hugging Blarffy over and over and over.

While Beatrice and Akira tried for another baby in the shower.

Success! Beatrice is eating for two.

Aria realized she has a baby sister and is NOT happy.

Beatrice tried to comfort her but Aria was so upset she pushed her mom away.

Beatrice decided it was time for Aria to go to sleep.

Poor Beatrice, more morning sickness.

While Beatrice was at work, Akira and Aria spent the day watching the Kids Network.

After work, Beatrice threw a birthday party for Derek and Don Jr. Derek is aging into a teenager and Don Jr. is becoming a young adult.

Here is Derek as a teenager.

Beatrice grabbed a selfie with him to add to her collection.

Amaya also aged up into a toddler. She has the fussy trait.

Poor Beatrice! I was so focused on birthdays and what everyone else was doing that she had a bladder failure during the party. How embarrassing.

She then had her second one (of this pregnancy) a few hours later while on her way to the bathroom.

After getting cleaned up, Beatrice went out to bond with her bees. They brought a gift of a postcard from Lunar Lake.

I decided the family needed an outing, so they all went to the park for the day. While there, Beatrice worked on some paintings.

Aria worked on her imagination skill and was soon joined her sister in working on movement.

Akira has the collector aspiration so he went around looking for treasures.

Poor Beatrice had her 3rd bladder failure of this pregnancy and then proceeded to go into labor.

Akira started to panic.

But Beatrice wasn’t worried. She knew they had plenty of time. She got cleaned up in the park’s showers and then sat down to eat with Aria. Poor Akira just continues to freak out in the background.

Eventually the labor pains got to be too much for Beatrice and she decided it was time to go home.

Akira seems much calmer now that they are home.

Beatrice gave birth to a beautiful baby boy, named Akira Jr.

Drone 1: Don Lothario

  • Baby Bee 1: Don Jr.
  • Baby Bee 2: Donna
  • Baby Bee 3: David
  • Baby Bee 4: Daniel
  • Baby Bee 5: Derek
  • Baby Bee 6: Dominic

Drone 2: Akira Kibo

  • Baby Bee 7: Aria
  • Baby Bee 8: Amaya
  • Baby Bee 9: Akira Jr.

Chapter 13: Baby Bee 10